

Unlock your customers’ potential

We invented pre-written License-Renewal-Quotes by Distributors served to their Resellers.

Partnering with us, you’ll get more than the distribution of your License-Renewal-Quotes.
You’ll get tools to enhance your current processes, which help your Partner along their way forward.
That’s our edge.

You get more time to Up-sell & X-sell

Retention and time is money!

You get notified when the Reseller updates the status of a License-Renewal-Quote. So, no need to call, email, or text them to know what is going on.

With us, your Inside-sales team will become proactive sales staff and not merely admin staff. 

We make it easy, fast, and fun to write License-Renewal-Quote.

Your CRM-, ERP- and eventually Order-system is instantly updated.

Add the Vendor value you have been promoting - gear up sales!

Swiftly upload a Vendor’s, or your own, Product Catalogue, and add value to the Renewal quote.

Our tool guides your Inside-sales team to choose the best product, based on previous quoting results.

You, simply, fulfill the needs of the potential buyer and help them to make a better buying decision.

Combinations may be automated - if you so wish!

The Key to creating really valuable customer relationships is to offer related products that deliver unparalleled value to your customer. You simply need to think “outside-the-box”!

Our tool makes it easy to make the right picks.

You will close more sales and build better relationships with both your partners and the End-customers.



Get yourself a one-stop-shop

Any renewal quote. From any source. In any format.

All, in one place.


Get your act together and accelerate your sales!

You will get the perfect overview of all your business and an efficient quoting process, in addition. 

Quotes will have your branding and look identical across your business, regardless of vendor.

Goodbye to errors!

We create a 1-2-1 match between Quote and Order. Your CRM-, ERP- and eventually your Order-system is updated instantly.


What will you do with the extra time you are given?

Completed End-customer quotes arrive, directly from the Distributor.

Your margin, your logo, and your contact details have already been included.
They are ready to be sent to the End-customer fully automated, or with 3 clicks - if you wish to amend anything.

With our easy, fast, and fun way to write License-Renewal-Quotes, your Inside-sales team become proactive sales staff having time to engage with End-customers, if you so wish!

You could also use their free time to train them for new positions within the company!

Or, why not, downscale the insides-sales function to save cost?


Elevate your Up-sell!


With our tool, Resellers can add Upsell in the same fashion as the Distributor can. However, they can amend, replace or delete whatever the Distributor added.


Because the Reseller knows the End-customer best.



With our tool, Resellers can add X-sell in the same fashion as the Distributor can. However, they can amend, replace or delete whatever the Distributor added.


Because the Reseller knows the End-customer best.

Guide your customers!


ATEA will provide references on a case-by-case basis



Getting the engine started…

  1. Distributors get their License Renewal Quotes and Product Catalog from the Vendor portal.

  2. Distributors drag-and-drop the documents into “DD RT“, the DynamicDocuments SaaS application.

    1. Filters are available for most vendors regardless of format e.g. Excel, CSV, PDF, Word, etc.

    2. Margins, T&C, Exchange rates, language, etc. proposed Upsells are prepared for the Distributor. Still, they may be altered in DD RT individually or in bulk before the offer to the Reseller is sent.

    3. The Distributor clicks “Send” and the Offer goes to the DD SaaS application at the Reseller.

  3. Resellers receive License Renewal Quotes from Distributors in the same format regardless of Vendor.

    1. DynamicDocuments SaaS application; “DD RT“ is detached from the Distributor’s application but identical in function and form so the Reseller repeats the Distributor’s actions 2 above.

    2. The End-customer is validated by the Reseller’s CRM and ERP.

    3. The Reseller clicks “Send” and the Offer, and a populated Order form, go to the user email address, ready to be sent to the customer.

In conclusion,

All seem to work on the same platform but the applications are detached. This advantage gives local databases and data for each Partner so Partners may co-operate but not reveal their secrets i.e. Web 3.0.